What do I pay for Medicare?


What is a monthly premium?
Your monthly premium is the set amount you pay each month to have your plan. You pay it even if you don’t receive any medical care that month. Like other bills, this premium can rise when it’s time to renew your plan for the next year.
What are out-of-pocket costs?
Out-of-pocket costs are what you must pay when you get care. These costs depend on how much care you actually get and your yearly out-of-pocket maximum. Once you hit this limit, your insurance pays for all of your care. There are three types of out-...
What do I pay for Medicare Part A?
You usually don't pay a monthly premium for Part A if you or your spouse paid Medicare taxes for at least 40 quarters while you were working. You can get Part A without a premium if: You already get a Social Security or Railroad check for retirem...
What do I pay for Medicare Part B?
Some people get Part B automatically when they turn 65, and some must sign up for it. Learn how and when you can sign up for Part B. For Part B, you pay: A premium each month. If you get Social Security or a Railroad check, this premium will b...
What do I pay for Medicare Advantage (Part C)?
For Medicare Advantage plans, you pay: A set monthly premium. Your monthly Part B premium. Copayments, coinsurance or deductible (if applicable) each time you use medical services. Once you hit your yearly spending limit, or out-of-pocket maxim...
What do I pay for Medicare Part D?
For a Medicare Part D plan, you'll pay: A set monthly premium. A Part D deductible (if applicable). Copayments or coinsurance for your drug costs. Costs in the coverage gap (if you reach the gap). All your other Medicare or Medicare Suppleme...
What do I pay for Medicare?
What is a monthly premium? What are out-of-pocket costs? What do I pay for Medicare Part A? What do I pay for Medicare Part B? What do I pay for Medicare Advantage? What do I pay for Medicare Part D? ...